Wednesday 1 August 2007

Another Sneak Peek!!

Club Penguin has released another sneak peek of the mission. This is the gadget room remember it from mission threee?

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Mission Sneak Peek!

As you might already know the new mission is coming soon and club penguin have released a small sketch to give you a little taste. It kinda speaks for itself!

Lighthouse here I come!!

Welcome to my blog!

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
Hello im rozza ross and welcome to my weblog. This will give you the tips and cheats you will need for club penguin. If you like my site please tel your friends. I go on two servers,belly slide (uk) and Mammoth(us). I will always wear the ghost cape with other things until the ghost cape comes back out. If you shout ''YO ROSS'' I will respond and i might be your buddy!

I will post all the tips and secrets along with pictures.

Until then..

Waddle On Rozza Ross